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How is it possible to Settle in New Zealand after studying?

Student Visa Immigration NZ

Are you planning to settle in New Zealand? If you are selected as a worker under the skills migrant category, then getting approval for a residence visa may seem easy. Else, better complete your higher studies first followed by working as a full-timer and finally residence.

To start with, you need a NZ student visa approved by the higher authority. This visa will let in enrolling in the course of your choice in one of the universities having a good reputation. Are you planning to apply for a job in the respective sector?

Then, better enroll in full-time courses. While on a full-time study permit, it is essential to renew the visa annually till the concluding period of the course. If you are facing difficulties at the time of renewing the student visa, then better work with a trustworthy consultant.

There, you will come across a team of highly experienced immigration advisers who will assist in every step. From documentation to filling up of application form, you will come across the best advice.

Can International Students Pursue Part-time Courses in New Zealand?

Yes, to pursue part-time courses in New Zealand; you need a special type of visa. It is the pathway student visa that will let in pursue three consecutive short-term courses. That too for five continuous years!

Short-term courses are those that have a duration of less than three months. Unlike a full-time study permit, the pathway visa does not require renewal annually.

How to Bag a Job Offer in New Zealand Post Completion of Courses?

After you are successfully done with the completion of the course, you are ready to apply for jobs in New Zealand. With an approved post-study working visa, it will become easy to get into the job sector.

Few fields including nursing and teaching require registration and experience. To get registration, consult a highly experienced immigration lawyer to get decent updates for migrants.

Done with two years of working as a full-timer with an accredited employer? If yes, then your eligibility for a residence visa is confirmed. You can also bring your partner and dependent children to stay along with.

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