Every year, hundreds of migrants visit New Zealand. Some for touring, and others for higher-studies and job purposes. Whatever the reason to make your way to the country is, you need a specific visa.
Now, every visa has a date of expiry. The moment its tenure expires, you have to vacate the country at the earliest. Staying in Auckland without making any appeal is unlawful and makes you liable for deportation to NZ.
Liability related to deportation can also arise in other situations as well. It is possible to make your appeal against liability within the respective timeframe.
What are the Conditions that Make an Immigrant Liable to Deportation?
Certain situations can make an immigrant liable for deportation in NZ. Some of the vital ones include the following:
Staying in New Zealand beyond the expiry date of the visa
Working in the country as a visitor visa holder
The person is convicted of a criminal offence
Providing false and misleading information
Based on your circumstances, it is possible to appeal against the deportation. Also, the time frame makes a difference. You are not eligible to appeal if the previous visa held was limited.
What is the time frame to Appeal for Deportation in the Country?
Migrants staying in New Zealand unlawfully and planning to appeal must make their applications within forty-two days of becoming unlawful. For other reasons, you normally have twenty-eight days to appeal, starting from the time the deportation notice has been given.
All the appeals are heard by the Immigration & Protection Tribunal that is administered by the Ministry of Justice. It is possible to pen down an application for appeal against deportation on your own.
Still, for a fruitful outcome and to prevent occurring of any type of mistake in the approach; better to dial the immigration NZ contact number. It will let you get in touch with a team of highly skilled lawyers.
Working together with experts may fetch a highly fruitful outcome. Once all the matters get solved, it will become easy to continue your stay in the country. The outcome depends on the overall circumstances.
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